Tour Van Holland is a 17th century-style sampler with a mystery story. Each of the story chapter coincides with the historically symbolic motifs of the sampler. Clues, hidden within both the sampler and the story, will be revealed during the workshop in order to discover the solution to the mystery.
Oh, it sounded like such a wonderful trip, a great vacation! How could something go so wrong?
Ten avid needleworkers and their instructor were off to tour several provinces of the Netherlands. Their research and study of antique Dutch samplers would include museum visits, viewing of private collections and attendance at lectures.
Lisa, a very enthusiastic woman in the group, brought along her lap top computer and almost immediately began to chart a design for a sampler to commemorate the trip. She and the other women planned on getting together to stitch the sampler when they returned home. But in an unfortunate accident, Lisa tragically died on the last day of the tour. The group returned home, very sad to have lost such a wonderful and talented friend.
A few weeks later, each member was surprised to receive a package in the mail. It was Lisa’s chart for the Dutch sampler that she had been working on during the tour!
With each chapter of the story and each section of the chart we will learn much about Dutch samplers and the knowledge that these women gained during their tour of the Netherlands. Perhaps we will also discover what Lisa was trying to tell them through both symbolism and hidden messages within her sampler design! Finished Size: 18” x 14 1/2”
Fabric: 40 count Lambswool Linen
There will be an autopsy of several types of sampler stitches. This is a premeditated murder so some plotting and pre class preparation is required. (Basting and mounting to scroll bars.) Stitches Used: Cross Stitch, Double Running, Eyelet, Satin, , Smyrna Cross and Pattern Darning.
