Tutorials Title

 Kits and

Online Class Image

These limited edition tutorials provide the flexibility for you to learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home. Once registered, your needlework supplies will be mailed to you and notices to announce the posting of the tutorials will be sent via email. You will be given instructions to access the password-protected Tutorial Website, where you will be able to view online (or download and print) the project instructions in PDF format. Classes include close up photos and some video as visual aids in addition to the printable tutorial. Please note: a basic level of computer proficiency is required.


If you would like to be contacted via my Newsletter when new Online Tutorials are posted, please subscribe to my newsletter by Clicking Here. 

Student Comments:

"First off, let me say that I have been enjoying this project immensely.  This is my first online class and every piece has been superbly executed and way beyond what I expected. Thanks for a wonderful project and a chance to add some great skills to my stitching repertoire!"  -  Kerri

"Hello. I had a lovely time while making my Vierlande Winders' Keeper. I truly appreciate this opportunity of learning many ideas. Riding on your long yellow bus, I've reached a wonderful destination. Without your great tutorial, this wouldn't have been possible.   It was a really fascinating experience."  -  Etsuko

"I’m done and loved every minute of it. I am loving all the new techniques and the fact that all of these add a new facet to embroidery."  -  Marjan

"Thanks so much Amy for creating such a great on-line course, making my Winder’s’ Keeper has been a pleasure. Your directions have been super and I am so pleased with my results."  -  Elizabeth

"By far this is the most well organized, and well executed class I have taken."  -  Betty


For those who haven't taken an Online Tutorial with me and would like to view a  

Sample Lesson, Login with:

Username: SampleLesson

Password: LetMeView

To Login and view a Sample Lesson click on the image below:

Screenshot Sample Lesson

Ornamental Divider

The Queens Attire Logo

Ornamental Divider

New from the series of needlework kits and tutorials,

 'The Queen's Attire'

is the fifth of the series,

The Queen's Forehead Cloth Kit


Forehead cloth

For more information and details regarding 'The Queen's Forehead Cloth' click HERE

Ornamental Divider

From the series

 'The Queen's Attire'

 the forth of the series,

The Queen's Miniature Portrait Kit


Miniature Portrait

For more information and details regarding 'The Queen's Miniature Portrait' click HERE


Ornamental Divider

From the series of needlework kits and tutorials,

 'The Queen's Attire'

 the third of the series,

The Queen's Playing Card Casket Kit



For more information and details regarding 'The Queen's Playing Card Casket' click HERE

Ornamental Divider


'The Queen's Attire'

I am pleased to announce

the second Online tutorial in the series,

The Queen's Ruff


Ruff Image

For more information and details regarding 'The Queen's Ruff' click HERE


Ornamental Divider

The first Online tutorial,

The Queen's Crown

is still available.



For more information and details regarding 'The Queen's Crown' click HERE


Later the series will have several more projects to choose from:

The Queen's Stomacher
The Queen's Sweet Bag
The Queen's Bible
The Queen's Glove
The Queen's Shoe
The Queen's Looking Glass

The Queens Attire Logo



Ornamental Divider

Inspired by antiques found in Needlework Caskets from the 17th century.

Ornamental Divider

The Elements Casket Keepsakes series of kits.

During Elizabethan times, visual communications through needlework motifs provided messages of values and moral lessons. Representations of the Four Elements – Fire, Water, Air, and Earth were popular motifs as they believed the World to be composed of 4 basic elements. These were considered to exist within each human being and the critical energy forces that sustained life. Maintaining a balance between these elements would ensure physical well-being.

The second kit in the series is WATER!

For more information about the Water Casket Keepsakes Kit click here.


Ornamental Divider


The first kit in the series is EARTH!

For more information about the Earth Casket Keepsakes Kit click here.


Ornamental Divider


The sixth in the series of the Casket Keepsakes Online Tutorials.

Diligence Casket Keepsakes Online Tutorial

The Diligence Casket Keepsakes Tutorial consists of three Bee themed needleworkers accoutrements:

1. Bee Skep Tape Measure /Thread Keep

2. ORT Container

3. Bee Thread Winder

For more details about the Casket Keepsakes Online Tutorials please click the image below:

Diligence Casket Keepsakes

Ornamental Divider

Harmony Casket Keepsakes Online Tutorial

The Harmony Casket Keepsakes Tutorial consists of two harmony themed needleworkers accoutrements:

1. Harmony Scissor Keep
2. Walnut Lute Thread Keep

For more details about the Casket Keepsakes Online Tutorials please click the image below:




Ornamental Divider


Quaker Sewing Bag Online Tutorial

The Quaker Sewing Bag Online Tutorial will provide complete instructions and materials to make this

wonderful Sewing Bag filled with Needlework Accoutrements.



Sewing bag Sewing Bag Open


Ornamental Divider

This beautiful sampler by Ann Wade 1772 is one of the samplers documented in the new Norfolk Sampler Book by Joanne Martin Lukacher. Using this sampler and the book as inspiration, I have created two new Online Tutorials.

Original Ann Wade sampler Cover Immitation Book
Orginal 1772 Ann Wade Sampler
Imitation and Improvement
The Norfolk Sampler Tradition 
by Joanne Martin Lukacher


Needleworker's Pocketbook

Online Tutorial

Move your mouse over the image below and away again to view alternate views of the Needleworker’s Pocketbook:

Pocketbook Closed

For more details on the Needleworker’s Pocketbook Online Tutorial please click HERE.

Ornamental Divider

Ann Wade Sampler

If you are looking for a fun little sampler I have designed this adaptation of the 1772 Ann Wade Sampler. A delightful little project for both novice and advanced stitchers alike. For more details on the Ann Wade Sampler Online Tutorial please click the image below:

Ann Wade Sampler

Ornamental Divider

To view details and images of the Online Tutorials please click on the thumbnail images below:

Fraktur Collection
Fraktur Collection
Other Kits
Other Kits
Slips of Evidence
Slips of Evidence
The Queen's Attire
The Queen's Attire
Casket Keepsakes
Casket Keepsakes
Needleworker's Pocketbook
Needleworker's Pocketbook
Ann Wade Sampler
Ann Wade Sampler